
限量發售, 售罄即止

零售價 : 每盒HK$148


捐贈者優惠價 : 每盒HK $110 $90

純粹捐贈,數量不限, 無須購買自用, 售罄即止。

捐贈及自用套裝優惠價 : 捐一盒買10盒

即可以優惠價(HK $110 $90)購買口罩自用(最多10盒), 即 HK $110 $90 x 11 = HK$990。
如捐贈多於1盒口罩, 則可以購買20盒為上限。
請留意捐贈數量可以超過2盒, 不設上限, 但自用數量上限為20盒, 售罄即止。

自用優惠價 : 每盒HK $128 $110

每人限量20 盒, 售罄即止。

Thanks to Hong Kong Health Care Alliance and
Wai Chi Holding Limited (HK listed Co, 1305.HK)

On sale for self-use and donation at Public Welfare/Discount prices

Reference Market Price: HK$148 per box

Special offer to individual and corproate donors

Special Donor Price: HK $110 $90

Unlimited number, no need to purchase for personal use, while stock last.

Preferential Set Price for donation and self purchase:

If you are willing to donate 1 box of masks to those in need, you can purchase up to 10 boxes of masks with the same donation price of HK $110 $90, i.e. you pay HK$990 (HK $110 $90 x 11) for 10 boxes self purchase and 1 box for donation, but each person is limited to order no more than two sets (that is, 2 boxes of donation plus a maximum of 20 boxes for self-use); the number of donations can exceed 2 boxes with no upper limit but the number of self purchase is limted to no more than 20 boxes, while stock last.

Special Discount Price for self purchase: HK $128 $110 per box

Limited to 20 boxes per person, while stock last.

訂購表格 Order Form

(每盒HK $110 $90)
Donate Amount ( $110 $90 per Box)

每盒約重 0.26 kg
1kg - HK$30 (每多0.5 kg 則加 HK$6)

Each box weights about 0.26 kg
You need to pay for the courier fee, the following information is for your reference only
1kg - HK$30 (Additional $6 is charged incrementally per 0.5 kg)
聯絡資料 Contact Info.

交收口罩地點 Mask Exchange place:

請注意,如此訂單未能在三天內收到付款,便自行作廢 。
如有任何問題 , 歡迎以
電郵 mask@crmp.com.hk
whatsapp 61315253或
致電口罩熱線 3707 4333 查詢。

You will receive a donation/order confirmation email, please check it clearly.
Please note that if the order fails to receive payment within three days, it will be voided.
If you have any questions, welcome to contact us
via email mask@crmp.com.hk whatsapp 61315253 or
call the mask hotline 3707 4333 for enquiries.
Our office hours are Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm.