零售價 : 每盒HK$148
捐贈者優惠價 : 每盒HK $110 $90
純粹捐贈,數量不限, 無須購買自用, 售罄即止。
捐贈及自用套裝優惠價 : 捐一盒買10盒
即可以優惠價(HK $110 $90)購買口罩自用(最多10盒), 即 HK $110 $90 x 11 = HK$990。
如捐贈多於1盒口罩, 則可以購買20盒為上限。
請留意捐贈數量可以超過2盒, 不設上限, 但自用數量上限為20盒, 售罄即止。
自用優惠價 : 每盒HK $128 $110
每人限量20 盒, 售罄即止。
Reference Market Price: HK$148 per box
Special Donor Price: HK $110 $90
Unlimited number, no need to purchase for personal use, while stock last.
Preferential Set Price for donation and self purchase:
If you are willing to donate 1 box of masks to those in need, you can purchase up to 10 boxes of masks with the same donation price of HK $110 $90, i.e. you pay HK$990 (HK $110 $90 x 11) for 10 boxes self purchase and 1 box for donation, but each person is limited to order no more than two sets (that is, 2 boxes of donation plus a maximum of 20 boxes for self-use); the number of donations can exceed 2 boxes with no upper limit but the number of self purchase is limted to no more than 20 boxes, while stock last.
Special Discount Price for self purchase: HK $128 $110 per box
Limited to 20 boxes per person, while stock last.